



ZF Friedrichshafen AG
ZF Aftermarket
Obere Weiden 12
97424 Schweinfurt



ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Corporate Headquarters / ZF Forum
Löwentaler Straße 20
88046 Friedrichshafen
Phone: +49 7541 77-0

Represented by the Board of Management

Dr. Holger Klein (CEO),

Dr. Lea Corzilius, Michael Frick, Dr. Peter Holdmann, Prof. Dr. Peter Laier, Mathias Miedreich

Commercial Register Ulm, HRB 630206
VAT registration number: DE 145 374 190
D.U.N.S.: 31-501-5446


Sebastian Bazylak
ZF Aftermarket Digital Solutions
Rondo ONZ 1
00-124 Warsaw, Poland

E-Mail: sebastian.bazylak@zf.com


Legal Notes

Legal notes on using the internet website facilities available at ZF Friedrichshafen AG.

The use of this website facility is subject to the following terms and conditions. You indicate your agreement with these terms and conditions when you access these web pages:

Terms of use

Here you will find the terms of use


These web pages provide information about ZF Friedrichshafen AG and its products. These texts, photos, graphics and the layout as well as all aspects of graphic design of these pages are protected by copyright.

The entire contents of these pages are protected, and cannot be copied, disseminated or altered for commercial purposes. You are only permitted to download and/or print out the text, photos and graphic elements for personal, private and non-commercial purposes. Any reproduction of graphics, photos, sound files, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is only permitted with the prior written consent of ZF Friedrichshafen AG.

Brand mentioning

If not stated otherwise or differently, then all trademarks/brands mentioned on the ZF Friedrichshafen AG Internet pages are legally protected trademarks and denominative mark descriptions/designations of ZF Friedrichshafen AG and its subsidiaries; this holds particularly true for product names, logos, and emblems of the company.

Liability disclaimer for information

The contents of these web pages are only intended for general information purposes. Although all information is verified in terms of accuracy and completeness, it may still contain errors or rather inaccuracies in some cases. Therefore, ZF Friedrichshafen AG cannot be held liable for claims relating to damage of material or immaterial nature arising as a result of the accuracy, correctness, completeness, and topicality e.g. use or non-use of incorrect or incomplete information provided via the Internet offer of its web pages.

Moreover, ZF Friedrichshafen AG excludes any liability claims relating to the services offered, such as downloads of the files made available on the Internet pages of ZF Friedrichshafen AG.

The liability disclaimer cannot be applied to all cases where ZF Friedrichshafen AG or its agents have to stand in for allegations of intention or gross negligence. In addition, the liability disclaimer of ZF Friedrichshafen AG is not valid in the case of obligation infringements i.e. fulfillment of said obligations is the very prerequisite for the proper implementation of the contract, and the visitor is entitled to trust that adherence to said obligations is performed (cardinal obligations/duties); however, in the case of minor negligence claims will be restricted in terms of the payable amount, based on foreseeable contractual damage at the point of time of contract conclusion. The liability disclaimer does not apply in the case of damage to persons, liability within the context of the Product Liability Act, liability for lack of contractually agreed warranties, and for malice.

ZF Friedrichshafen AG expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, delete parts of the pages offered or even the entire offer without dispatching an associated notification; the same applies to the temporary or final discontinuation of publications/postings.


This site notice refers to the website of ZF Friedrichshafen AG at vandy.pro.

© 2017 ZF Friedrichshafen AG. All rights reserved.